Attendee Spotlight: SistersWithBeauty

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Our Attendee Spotlight is:


What do you hope to experience at BWB 2013?

I hope to gain an insight on how to take my blog to the next level. I would also like to network with other bloggers and panel members. I want to learn great tips on blogging and anything additional the conference can teach me.

Why did you decide to start a blog?

While transitioning I knew I wanted to encourage others, as I had been encouraged. I found my talents of styling my own hair and motivating and put those two things to work.

Are there specific types of bloggers you are interested in connecting with at the conference?

Natural Hair Bloggers

Fashion Bloggers

Fitness Bloggers

Financial Bloggers

Relationship Bloggers

What are your top blogging tips for other bloggers?

-Be consistent

-Be passionate first about your purpose. If you don't feel you, no one will.

-Show more and talk less

-Always remember you have a blog and point people to it however you see fit

Where do you see you and your blog in 5 years?

I see SistersWithBeauty as the premier natural hair website for DIY naturals.

Do you need something from your fellow bloggers to take your blogging to the next level?


Lessons learned

How to effectively financially benefit from their blog?

Do you have something to offer bloggers to help them take their blogging to the next level?

I am well at communicating, speaking and encouraging. Which is why I started blogging in the first place. I created SistersWithBeauty to help others returning back to their natural hair. I hold private counseling sessions for naturals needing more attention than a comments box can give. I’m attentive, insightful, and I just love doing what I’m doing. My passion is real because I am. I have a sense of humor and I’m approachable. These are all things I believe anyone looking to have a blog should possess to some degree.

Welcome  to BWB !